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How Champions Think

How Champions Think

"What sets talented people apart from exceptional people? It can’t be measured by a vertical leap, a Fran time, or 1RM snatch. It’s something internal. Great performers share a way of thinking—a set of attitudes and attributes that cause them to work harder and smarter than other people as they prepare for competition. It starts with optimism. Individuals who achieve durable, frequent success are optimists. Optimism is an attitude people can choose to have. -Post from Competitors training  _ I’m not saying that optimism won the CF Games for Katrin or Mat. They won the Games because they have talent and...

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Supplements You Should Be Taking

Supplements You Should Be Taking

Here is a quick list of supplements you should be taking. We recommend that you take this information and continue to research the supplements fully to make sure they are for you. We just wanted to create this post to make you aware of these so that you can further research them.  1. Creatine: If you are looking to get stronger and more explosive (many movements we do require explosive energy), then creatine supplement is for you.  2. Carbohydrates: If you are a High Intensity Athlete placing high demands on your body day in and day out, you need a...

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The Invictus Mindset

The Invictus Mindset

As a coach CJ believes that the psychology of sport and fitness play a vital role in any program. This year we’ll see 3 teams and 6+ individuals at Regionals all coming out of CrossFit Invictus. In the podcast below, they get into a few of the things that have lead CJ and his brand to new heights as well as a few takeaways for athletes and gym owners including developing a competitor mindset, visualization, coping with failure, and building a winning culture. Enjoy the show!     Here are some training programs for you to help you become a better athlete...

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Gymnastics Clinic 2017 [SoCal]

Gymnastics Clinic 2017 [SoCal]

Do you find yourself struggling with ring muscle ups, bar muscle ups, toes to bar, butterfly chest to bar pull-ups, pull ups, and hand-stand push ups? Have you been searching YouTube looking for 'how to's'  and come up short? Well, look no further! Join us for our Gymnastics clinic held at CrossFit Evermore in Riverside.  Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, you will learn techniques and skills to get you to that next level. This will be a 3 hour clinic for only $30.00. Spaces are limited so sign up quick. Join us later for food, drinks and...

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Cole Sager's Mindset

Cole Sager's Mindset

Cole began his athletic career playing four years at the University of Washington as a running back from ’09-’12. In 2013 he began his CF career, and the rest is history. Since then, Cole has finished 17th, 7th, and 5th overall at the CFGames from 2014-2016, and if that pattern holds, he may very well find himself on the podium at the ’17 Games. In this episode we will be revisiting his 2016 Regionals performance and diving into the mindset and preparation that got him to the level that we see him today. Listed to the podcast as they discuss discipline,...

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